
Supercharge Your Marketing Mix With These 7PS!

Jul 31, 2023 · 12 mins read
Supercharge Your Marketing Mix With These 7PS!
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In today’s cutthroat business landscape, competition lurks at every corner, and trends keep changing like wildfire. To thrive, you must stand out from the crowd! Whether you’re a newbie trying to make a name or an established player maintaining your reputation, marketing is the ultimate key to capturing people’s attention and showcasing your prowess.

Picture marketing strategies as mighty roadmaps that fuel your brand’s growth and ignite profound connections with consumers, earning their trust and loyalty. It’s not a walk in the park; building a marketing plan demands time, effort, and sometimes a bit of financial muscle, but the payoff can be colossal!

Once you’ve crafted your strategic marketing blueprint, behold the magic of the “Seven P Formula.” This powerful tool empowers you to continually assess and fine-tune your business activities. With it, you can ensure your company consistently evolves, leaving compelling evidence that your marketing efforts are laser-focused on reaching your target audience.

Gone are the days of relying solely on word-of-mouth! Embrace the ever-changing landscape of technology and revamp your marketing campaigns. Embrace the plethora of distribution channels available today – from the digital realm to social media and captivating podcasts.

No matter which platforms you choose as your marketing arsenal, the seven Ps stand tall as the timeless and battle-tested marketing tactics that can be seamlessly tailored to fit your business like a glove.
The 7 Ps of Marketing include:

  • Product
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place
  • Packaging
  • Positioning
  • People


Imagine you’re a savvy marketing consultant, stepping into your own business to evaluate if your product hits the bullseye. Is it catering to the needs of today’s market and customers? Does it provide a compelling solution to their pain points? Let’s dive deep into these critical questions and unleash the potential of your offerings! Assessing Your Products: When your sales seem to hit a plateau, it’s time to get real with your business. Candidly, ask yourself - are these products or services still the perfect match for our customers today? If there’s even a hint of doubt, it’s time to reevaluate and redefine your game. Unveiling Flaws: Let’s face it - mistakes happen. There might be a product or service in your lineup that, with hindsight’s wisdom, you wouldn’t introduce today. Acknowledge these missteps and learn from them; it’s the key to future success.

Conquering the Competition
Standing out in a crowded marketplace is a must! Compare your product to rivals - does it boast any extraordinary advantages? If not, let’s transform it into a force to be reckoned with. Don’t settle for mediocrity; strive for greatness!
Crafting Superiority
Become the epitome of excellence! Enhance your product’s unique features, making it unmatched by anything else out there. Elevate your game, and customers won’t be able to resist your offerings!
Embrace Change:
The world is in constant motion, and your product needs to keep up. Assess the market’s demands and trends; adaptability is the key to survival. If necessary, explore new avenues and evolve your offerings.

Power of Prices

When it comes to maximizing your business success, prices hold a mighty key. You must wield the power of pricing wisely, constantly evaluating and reevaluating your strategies to stay relevant in the ever-changing market. It’s a dynamic dance where you might need to make some daring moves.

There are times when lowering your prices becomes essential. It’s a bold move that can attract more customers, entice them to buy, and ultimately increase your revenue. On the flip side, raising your prices might seem scary, but it can be a game-changer too. By doing so, you might lose a portion of your customer base, but the ones who stay can turn into devoted patrons, bringing you more profits with each sale. Are you ready to take this courageous step?

To stay in the competition, you must keep a keen eye on your rivals. Research what other similar products in your industry are priced at, ensuring your offerings are competitively positioned. Remember, the success of some new products or services might not justify the effort and resources invested. In these cases, raising prices can prove to be a strategic move that saves your business from potential losses.

Don’t be afraid to reshape your terms and conditions of sale. Get creative! By spreading your prices over several months or years, you could dramatically boost sales, and the interest you earn may compensate for the delay in cash receipts. Combining products and services with special offers and promotions can also be a brilliant tactic. You can even throw in free additional items that cost little to produce but make your products irresistible to customers.

In business, just like in nature, resistance and frustration can crop up in your sales and marketing plans. Stay open-minded and flexible. Revisit and reassess areas where you face challenges. Embrace the possibility that your current pricing structure may not be optimal for the current market. Adaptability is key. If required, don’t hesitate to make necessary revisions to your prices to remain competitive, thriving in this fast-changing marketplace.

Power of Promotion

In the fast-paced world of marketing and sales, one habit reigns supreme – the relentless focus on promotion. It’s all about how you spread the word about your products or services to your target audience and how you craft your marketing and sales strategies to win them over.

Believe it or not, even small tweaks in your promotional efforts, guided by clever segmentation, can ignite a wildfire of success. Just a few adjustments in your advertisements can instantly boost your sales. In fact, the wizards of copywriting can whip up a mind-blowing 500 percent increase in response rates by merely tweaking the ad headline.

Across industries, both big and small players are constantly experimenting with various advertising, promotion, and selling techniques. At this very moment, the buzz is all about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – a magic spell aimed at summoning more and better website traffic.

Yet, here’s a cold, hard truth: No matter how effective your current marketing and sales methods may be, they won’t last forever. Sooner or later, they’ll lose their charm. Sometimes, you’ll know the reason, but other times, it’ll remain a mystery. Regardless, you’ll need to conjure up fresh approaches, innovative strategies, and irresistible offerings to keep the momentum going.

Now, while you might think email marketing and Facebook ads are all the rage, let me tell you, the market has already sprinted towards new frontiers. And the hottest five advertising techniques in are a force to be reckoned with:

  1. Sound-free, short-form video ads: Capture attention without uttering a word, leveraging the power of eye-catching visuals.
  2. Advertising on mobile games: Dive into the immersive world of gaming to reach your audience where they’re having fun.
  3. Machine learning and artificial intelligence: Unleash the potential of cutting-edge technology to target and engage customers like never before.
  4. Collecting and advertising third-party data: Harness the treasure trove of information to laser-focus your marketing efforts.
  5. LinkedIn and other social media platforms: Tap into the social sphere where your audience thrives, building meaningful connections and generating leads.

Power of “Place”

This is the crucial intersection where magic happens – the place where your product or service is SOLD. But are you making the most of it? Are you harnessing the true potential of this “place” to skyrocket your sales? Take a moment to ponder. A simple shift in where you present your offerings can unleash a tidal wave of success! It’s time to dive deep and explore the hidden treasures of the fourth P in marketing – the powerhouse called “Place.”

There’s a plethora of options to sell your product, and it’s up to you to seize them! Ever thought of direct selling, where your charismatic salespeople personally meet and connect with potential buyers? Or how about telemarketing – reaching out through the phone lines to win hearts and minds? Then, there’s the alluring world of catalogs, mail orders, trade shows, and retail establishments. And let’s not forget the dynamic duo of joint ventures, where collaboration amplifies your reach, or the strategic use of manufacturers’ representatives and distributors.

But wait, there’s more! It’s not just about picking a place; it’s about finding THE perfect spot where your customers can effortlessly access vital information to fuel their buying decisions. What’s your secret sauce? How can you revamp your “place” to spark curiosity and boost sales? Think outside the box – where else could your products or services shine brilliantly?

Power of Packaging

Packaging, the formidable fifth element of the marketing mix, holds incredible sway over your customers’ hearts. Imagine stepping back and analyzing your product or service’s packaging through the eyes of a discerning customer. Within just 30 seconds, they form their first impression of you and your company. But fret not, small yet impactful improvements in your packaging can yield a magical transformation in customer reactions.

When pondering the packaging of your business, think about the entire customer experience from the very first encounter to the final purchase. Creating a branded packaging that leaves an indelible mark can work wonders. An eye-catching design that greets your customers with flair will be etched into their memory, wrapped in warm and delightful associations. Don’t forget to sprinkle your business logo and social media handles on the packaging - it’s like an enchanting invitation for customers to connect with your brand, beckoning them to come back for more.

Packaging isn’t just limited to the exterior of your product or service; it extends to every aspect of your company that customers perceive visually. This encompasses your staff’s appearance, your office setup, waiting rooms, brochures, correspondence, and every visual detail imaginable. Remember, every tiny detail counts - it can either be a powerful aid or a painful deterrent, influencing your customers’ confidence in dealing with you.

Let’s take a page from IBM’s playbook, where under the guidance of Thomas J. Watson, Sr., they nailed the art of visual contact with customers. Watson knew that 99 percent of customers’ initial interactions with IBM would be through their salespeople. As they dealt with sophisticated high-tech equipment, the salesperson’s credibility played a pivotal role. Hence, IBM adopted a strict dress and grooming code, creating an army of professionals. Dressed in impeccable dark suits, sporting conservative hairstyles, and with polished shoes and clean nails, IBM’s salespeople exuded professionalism and competence. Being told, “You look like someone from IBM,” was a profound compliment.

Power of Positioning

In the game of business, one mighty P stands out – Positioning! It’s the art of shaping how your customers perceive you, and it’s a game-changer. Picture this: even when you’re not around, how do people think and speak about you? Your company? That’s what positioning is all about.

Imagine your brand etched in the hearts and minds of your customers – the very essence of your success. In their groundbreaking book, “Positioning,” Al Reis and Jack Trout reveal this undeniable truth: how your customers see you is the ultimate factor in a fierce marketplace. You become that one attribute they associate with your brand, either positively or negatively.

Look at big names like Mercedes Benz – they own “quality engineering,” and BMW triumphs as “the ultimate driving machine.” See how deeply those ideas are rooted in people’s minds? That’s the key to winning them over and making them pay for what you offer.

Envision the perfect image you’d love to create in your customers’ hearts and minds. What impression would leave them no choice but to choose you? Once you know, go all-in on every customer interaction, becoming the embodiment of that ideal. And yes, it might require some changes in how you do things now, but remember, it’s all to be the ultimate choice for your customers’ future needs.

People’s Power

It’s truly astounding how entrepreneurs and businesspeople pour their hearts into crafting the perfect marketing strategy and mix, yet overlook a critical aspect – the people. Every decision and policy we make depends on real individuals, and how they carry out those decisions matters immensely. The ability to find, hire, and keep the right people with the right skills is more vital than anything else.

In the bestselling book, Good to Great, Jim Collins unraveled the secret of top companies: they prioritize getting the right people on board and weeding out the wrong ones. It’s not just about having people on the bus; it’s about ensuring they’re in the right seats on that bus.

To truly thrive in business, you must think deeply about who will execute each task and responsibility. Progress often hinges on finding and attracting the perfect person for each role. Unfortunately, some fantastic business plans remain shelved, collecting dust because the individuals who created them couldn’t find the right people to bring those plans to life.

Marketing - a force to reckon with, no matter the size of your venture - be it an online store, a brick-and-mortar shop, a local business, or a mammoth corporation. As the tides of trends shift, one thing holds steadfast: the 7Ps of marketing, an invincible framework that adapts and thrives with every new wave. It’s your compass to stay on course and seize unparalleled triumphs in today’s cutthroat marketplace.

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