
5 Key Tactics for Bitcoin Newbies

Oct 02, 2023 · 7 mins read
5 Key Tactics for Bitcoin Newbies
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Embarking on the wild journey of Bitcoin investing might feel like stepping into uncharted territory, a place where the ground seems shaky, and the path unclear. But there are nuggets of wisdom that can steer you through the storm.

By adhering to the five key recommendations outlined here, investors can enhance their likelihood of achieving their objectives.

1. Dig Deep

Pawel Kuskowski, the brain behind Coinfirm, a hotshot in blockchain and regulatory tech, puts it plainly: “The more you grasp, the better shot you’ve got.” Sounds like common sense, right? Well, common sense ain’t common, especially in the crypto arena.

Bitcoin, a unique opportunity knocking at your door. But this opportunity is not your everyday walk in the park. It’s more like a rare gem hidden in plain sight, waiting for the right person to pick it up. So, how do you handle this golden ticket? Treat it like the precious gem it is, says Kuskowski.

Now Jacob Eliosoff, the crypto maestro, with a tip that’s as crisp as a fresh dollar bill. If you’ve got even a smidge of a techy vibe, spare a mere 10 minutes to flip through the 2008 Satoshi white paper. It’s like a literary snack, only eight pages long, clear as day, and a genius masterpiece. Eliosoff practically whispers, “Investing in cryptocoins is a wild ride. You might lose it all. No kidding.”

Here’s the lowdown from Lucas Geiger, the brain behind Wireline, on what you need to do: get cozy with the blockchain. It’s the unsung hero behind every digital currency out there. But hey, don’t just nod along; really understand it. Geiger doesn’t mince words: “If you’re clueless about how a blockchain keeps your stash safe, it’s like investing in tulip bulbs.” Don’t be that person.

Now, we get it—diving into Bitcoin’s universe isn’t like skimming through your Insta feed. It takes time, like learning to ride a bike or perfecting your grandma’s secret cookie recipe. So, what’s the trick for greenhorn investors? Adam Nestler, the brains behind Kudos, has a nugget of wisdom: find yourself a mentor. Someone or something you can trust. A mentor is like the cool, experienced older sibling who guides you through the rollercoaster of Bitcoin without letting you crash and burn.

Ready to take the plunge? Do your homework, understand the blockchain, read that Satoshi white paper, and find yourself a crypto-savvy mentor. It’s not just about money; it’s about understanding the game before you dive headfirst into the Bitcoin whirlwind.

2. Tread Carefully

Tread carefully, start small. Eliosoff, our guide has a message ringing like a siren: “Caution, risk ahead! Don’t throw in cash you can’t kiss goodbye!” I agree with that. Marshall Swatt, a seasoned explorer in the entrepreneurial jungle, urges us to take baby steps. “Start small,” he whispers. Dip your toe in the water before doing a cannonball into the deep end. Hehe. Is advised. Now, here’s Tim Enneking, the maestro of Crypto Asset Management, dropping truth bombs like confetti. His advice? Don’t play tag with Bitcoin prices; they’re slippery devils. Choose your spot, plant your flag, and stand your ground. It’s not about being a fortune teller; it’s about timing – and timing is everything.

Enneking unveils a secret move: the art of the slow dance. Instead of throwing all your investment chips onto the table at once, he suggests a little salsa – stage in, stage out. Invest a bit, let it simmer, then sprinkle in some more. It’s like making a financial lasagna – layers, my friends, layers. As we began, tread carefully, start small, and don’t be in a rush to catch that Bitcoin bull. This one requires a steady hand and nerves of steel.

3. Broaden Your Horizons

In recent times, Bitcoin has been on a wild ride, making headlines with jaw-dropping success stories of everyday folks turning into “Bitcoin millionaires.” It’s a tempting tale, one that might make you want to throw all your money into the Bitcoin frenzy. But no financial guru would suggest going all in on a single investment. Instead of going all-in on Bitcoin, imagine crafting a well-rounded investment portfolio that includes a mix of altcoins, traditional stocks, and bonds. The magic word here is diversification. It’s like having a financial safety net – when one part of your portfolio takes a hit, another part is there to pick up the slack.

Let’s break it down. Imagine you have a straightforward portfolio, a digital cocktail of Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash, all in equal measures. If, say, Bitcoin takes a 10% nosedive, you’re not left in the financial abyss. Why? Because ideally, another digital player in your portfolio is on the rise, offsetting the loss.

Tech guru Oliver Isaacs drives the point home, underlining the importance of hedging against the rollercoaster-like volatility of the crypto world. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” he advises, drawing parallels between crypto and the traditional stock market or foreign exchange. Wise words – diversify to manage risks effectively.

Now, let’s talk altcoins. Sure, there’s a treasure trove of them out there, each vying for your attention like a horde of start-ups. Robin Bloor, the senior VP of strategy & communications for software maestro Algebraix Data, issues a cautionary note. Among the myriad of altcoins, most are akin to start-ups, and as we know, not all start-ups make it. So, what’s the key to avoiding the crypto graveyard?

Bloor’s answer is clear: due diligence. Before you throw your hard-earned cash into any altcoin, do your homework. Dive deep into the nitty-gritty of the business model. Check the leadership team’s credentials, scrutinize the funding situation, dissect the technology, and lay bare the marketing and product plans. It’s a meticulous process, but in the crypto game, knowledge is power. Diversify, ride the waves, and, above all, do your due diligence. With a well-rounded portfolio and a sharp eye for detail, you might just come out on top.

4. Lock Up Your Wealth

Exchanges are the flashy malls of the crypto universe. Sure, they’re fantastic for snagging those shiny digital currencies, but do you really want to trust them with your treasures? Eliosoff, our crypto sage, echoes a crucial point: “Don’t store coins on an exchange.” It’s like leaving your wallet at the amusement park – not a smart move. You might buy your crypto bling on platforms like Coinbase; it’s the digital version of a shopping spree. But, once you’ve got your loot, move it into a safe haven.

Eliosoff suggests online wallets like https://blockchain.info/wallet/, or the cool kids on the block, Jaxx and Coinomi. Feeling old-school? Create a paper wallet; it’s like stashing cash under your mattress, but in the digital era.

Matthew Unger, the wise guru of iComply Investor Services Inc drops a truth bomb: use both hot wallets (online) and cold wallets (offline). Think of it as having some cash in your wallet, some in the bank, and the real bling in a vault. Manage your digital fortune like you would your real-world treasures. In this wild crypto journey, consider yourself the captain of a treasure-laden ship. Guard your booty with the savvy of a pirate protecting their hoard. Don’t let your coins dance on the edge of uncertainty; lock them up in wallets that scream, “Not on my watch!”

5. Brace for Turbulence

The ups and downs are part of the game, and smart investors need strategies to navigate the inevitable twists and turns.

One savvy move is diversification, a concept we’ve already unpacked. But here’s another gem for your financial toolkit: the buy-and-hold strategy. Picture this – it’s like planting seeds and letting them grow into a money tree over time. Sounds magical, right? Well, some financial wizards, including the legendary Warren Buffett, swear by it.

“Eliosoff puts it bluntly: ‘Buy and forget’ is the golden ticket for most investors,” he says. Temptation might whisper short-term gains in your ear, the siren call to ‘sell at the top’ or snag the cheapest deal. But Eliosoff warns against it, painting a cautionary tale – most folks trying this end up trailing behind the simple buy-and-hold crew.

Gavin Yeung, the brain behind Cryptomover, chimes in with a harmonious note. “We’re all about that passive life,” he declares. According to him, going with the flow, adopting a passive investment style, is the secret sauce for long-term success. It’s not just easy on the wallet; it’s a dance that cuts down on trading fees, slashing those operating expenses like a financial ninja.

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